
Joëlle Marie McGovern (”Australia”, ‘93) she/they

Currently based between Copenhagen and Berlin, Joëlle is educated from the Danish National School of Performing Arts in the sound design specialisation, where she gained training in use of multichannel speaker systems and composition. Employing technical knowledge as a vessel for artistic expression, Joëlle is interested in navigating tools of composition - being time, frequency and space with the additional pillar of acoustic space - in relation to storytelling and space-time travelling. Through sonic and performative experiences, she is curious to explore the lines between hyper-presence and memory, mental and physical, movement and stasis and the endless subjectivities of a being experiencing the interlocking of multiple states at once and their potential emergent properties.

Additionally, Joëlle has performed live, worked as a sound and technical consultant and technician, designed installations, organised music events, taught classes and organised workshops.